Friday, October 25, 2013

Scrappy "do"s

What an intense pay period this has been! Starting out early in the cycle, I was so excited since I had just paid off a few debts and that left some spendable funds to dispense. I started shopping. In truth, I've been holding off for so long that my wish list was long and diverse. So it didn't take long to order some new cologne, send off for some buttons for a jacket, have dinner out a few times with friends, see some theatre, and in the end found myself with only a few bucks left for food. And so now the challenge is to deal with the purge, to live trough the dry season. 

And the thing about this stage is that I love how suddenly scrappy and indefatigable I become. I'll hand-make pasta at 2:00am, spend hours on a stock, find some ingenuous use for stale bread. Vive les scraps! Tonight is split pea soup with polenta croutons. How much does that rock?

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