Monday, April 24, 2017

Trope's Empire

I've really been digging reading the analytic breakdowns of tv tropes located here. Firstly, I love that there's a name every trope! What's it called when there's always a happy ending on a show? Old relative dies and leaves the main character money? And it's all cross-referenced. So for example, if you look up Joanie Loves Chachi, you'll come to Happy Days spin-offs and the original series, which will then lead you to Jumping the Shark which will then give you a really in-depth listing of ways to Jump the Shark (whether it be by cast change, character or plot development, gimmick, or behind the scenes developments which can be seen on-screen), and finally numerous examples in everything from tv/film and fan fiction, to comic books and gaming.

DANGER WILL ROBINSON: you will waste your life, happily, at this site.

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