Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Doctored Gin Martini

A drink a day will make you live longer.
No a drink a day will not make you live longer. 

While we continue to debate the efficacy of a drink a day to lengthen life, I propose a truce in the info-war. And in the peace that follows, I suggest you try a delicious gin martini made from "doctored up" gin. I found this idea first in a ladies magazine -- I wish I could find the reference now -- of a somewhat Indian, saffron-gin infusion. Last weekend I picked up a cheap bottle of gin and thought, "hey this is the day". But then of course, I couldn't find the recipe anywhere. So I did a google-search and found a bunch of suggestions to purchase, but only one solid reference to making this at home but through a two-week steep of spices. The original recipe was a stove-top affair. So I remembered what I could, used the details from the online directions...and viola: Doctored Gin. The greatest benefit here is that all the spices are known to have healthful effects. So drink up,  and possibly live longer. Or drink up and enjoy what time you got. 


Doctored Gin

1 bottle of good gin (Bombay is the preference)
1 pinch saffron
1 cinnamon stick
1 whole clove
1 cardamon pod
1/4 c white sugar

Combine all ingredients into a saucepan, heating gently and stirring to match. Do not boil. Simply heat until the sugar is incorporated. Allow to cool to room temperature.  Strain back into the original bottle or into a decanter.

Serve as a martini, on the rocks or shaken and served up. Or you can try with tonic.

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